After Construction
ECS specifically includes but is not limited to all labor, material, installation, equipment, revision necessary to perform all operations in connections with all CLEANING WORK.
1.- Cleaning will be doneby ECS in stages, unless special requirements by the builder.
2.- Heavy Clean Stage
All interior floors & garage floors will be swept clean.
All trash removed, home & garage to dumpster.
ECS will clean interior & exterior of the windows.
Windows and frames will be free of drywall mud, texture, paint, sheetrock dust and debris.
Foundation, if needed will be hosed or scraped free of mud, pressure wash if needed.
All cans, bottles and paper will be picked up from house and surrounding lot.
All swept materials and trash will be removed to the approved trash receptacle.
3.- Detail Clean Stage. This stage will consist of cleaning the entire house. This clean will include, but no limited to, the cleaning of:
Windows and glass doors (both inside and out).
Windows/doors frame tracks.
All walls doors and trim, ensuring freedom from dirt and dust.
All cabinet surfaces to be free of dust, dirt, debris, labels and masking (both inside and out). The drawers will be removed and cleaned (both top and bottom). Toe kicks will be cleaned and dusted. Cabinets will be oiled as needed.
All fixtures, hardware and appliances (if installed) will be free of dust, dirt, labels, masking and fingerprints.
Bath accessories, sink, tubs, toilets, mirrors, mirrored doors, marble panels and shower/tub doors are to be free of labels, dirt, debris, oils and fingerprints.
All marble vanity tops will be free of dust, labels, dirt, debris, oils and fingerprints.
All interior surfaces will be free of dust, dirt and debris, including closet shelves.
Floors will be free of dirt and debris. Floors coverings shall be installed prior to final clean.
Exterior doors will be dusted and/or washed to be free of dust, exterior thresholds will be cleaned. Roll-up garage doors are included in this work.
ECS is to spot clean walls where necessary, report any tears, cuts or other imperfections in the carpet, vinyl, sheet rock, cabinets, hardwood floors, wallpaper and counter tops to the superintendent.
ECS will broom sweep all unheated areas such as the attic, storage spaces and HVAC and water heater pans.
ECS will remove any excess materials and dispose of all trash and debris in a dumpster or as directed by superintendent.
Report all tub, sink chips, glass cracks or imperfections to the superintendent – broken windows are to be left un-cleaned.
4.- Re-Clean Stage. This stage will consist of cleaning/recleaning all items identified under section 3 above with the addition of, but no limited to, the following items:
All appliances not previously installed will be free of packaging labels, dirt and debris.
All carpeting will be cleaned and vacuumed to be free of all dirt and debris.
All ceramic tile and vinyl floors covering will be cleaned and freed from manufacturing labels, scuffmarks and foreign substances.
All decorator light fixtures will be cleaned to be free of all dust and labels.
All windows and mirrors will be cleaned and free of dust.
All windows and sliding glass doors tracks are to be cleaned and free of dust and debris.
ECS will report all scratched windows, damage to tubs or tile to Superintendent.
5.- Move in Stage. This stage will consist of cleaning/recleaning all items identified under Section 3 above with the addition of, but not limited to, the following items:
All carpeting will be cleaned and vacuumed to be free of all dirt and debris.
All ceramic tile and vinyl floors covering will be cleaned and freed from manufacturing labels, scuffmarks and foreign substances.
All decorator light fixtures will be cleaned to be free of all dust.
All windows and mirrors will be cleaned and free of dust.
All windows and sliding glass doors tracks are to be cleaned and free of dust and debris.
After cleaning a house, ECS will take the proper actions on the following items, depending on the outside temperature, the season of the year and instructions from the Superintendent:
Turn off all interior lights.
Turn down heat or air to a minimum of 62 F – winter or 78 F summer.
Lock house securely – ALWAYS!
Report any electrical, HVAC, plumbing problems observed to the superintendent. Also report any other deficiencies observed.
6.- Any information, warranties and/or manuals encountered during cleaning will be stored inside one kitchen drawer.
7.- Any surplus flooring materials will be placed in the attic.